Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Schuttig Masks For Sale

Photovoltaics, divided government, it is about changes to the text

divided government, this text will be amended
Overwhelmed by the mobilization of associations and harassed by fellow Prestigacomo The Romans first minister to review the standards "PV-killing." Via the limit of 8 000 MW
VALERIO Gualerzi

Solar Panels in the Vatican
ROME - Behind the apparent firmness of the government in carrying out the decree-renewable kills you start to really grasp some signs of rethinking. At the pre-Council of Ministers meeting last night the Minister for Development Economic Romans Paul presented the exact same text that has sparked a concern and protests from both environmental groups and traders associations. A rule such as repeatedly reported in recent days is likely to kill the baby at birth and promising Italian sector of the green economy, endangering tens of thousands of jobs.

Despite this apparent arrogance, other observers, however, signs of slowing down and capture indiscretions give the Secretary to the Prime Minister Gianni Letta, the mediator of a thousand lawsuits, already at work behind the scenes to reach a compromise in view of the Council of Ministers on Thursday or Friday next, in the event of a possible slip. A surprise the Romans, making it shake the certainties, was innannzitutto the width of the front went into action to defend the policy of incentives for renewables. While calling for adjustments and changes of mind, to mobilize against abrupt stop to the senseless rules that favor the development of wind and photovoltaics have been used not only ecologists, but trade unions, the Confederation of,
associations of small and medium-sized enterprises and a large productive system whose existence had been ignored or underestimated. A tam tam petitions, open letters and appeals in the last hours it was poured on the Internet, only to clog even the mailboxes of the ministry. Proving, if anything proof were needed, that now it is a matter primarily economic. "I'm still going meetings between the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economic Development to put just a shared text," he admitted today by the Environment Minister Stefania Prestigiacomo.

To do this movement from side to pressure was then finally own Environment Minister Stefania Prestigiacomo, yesterday reminding the Romans that "the energy bill of the Italians is higher than elsewhere on the incentives for renewables." "The incentives for solar power - said - that dictate the bill unless the CIP-6 and nuclear decomissioning. In Germany, the incentives for renewables come to affect sulla bolletta fino al 10% da noi fra il 3 e il 5%". Ma quello della Prestigiacomo pare non sia l'unico malumore presente nella maggioranza. A dire la sua sarebbe stato anche il ministro dell'Agricoltura Giancarlo Galan, preoccupato sì di tutelare le campagne da una possibile invasione di pannelli solari, ma anche di evitare la prematura morte del promettente settore delle agro-energie legato alle biomasse. Inoltre diversi parlamentari, anche del Pdl, non avrebbero preso bene la scelta di Romani di buttare via tutto il lavoro fatto sino ad oggi nelle commissioni con audizioni e stesure di varie proposte, procedendo d'autorità in maniera unilaterale.

Alla fine, stando alle indiscrezioni, nei tavoli tecnici avviati in queste ore sarebbe stata reached a first hypothesis of Understanding. The incentives of the third energy bill does not automatically cease to achieving the target of 8 000 MW installed, set initially for 2020, but already one step away from achieving. Once you have that outcome is more concerned to re-examine how to reduce it further, but gradually, the incentives. To protect agriculture would instead inserted a rule setting minimum distances between various facilities to the ground and a limit of 10% of the usable area within an estate for the exploitation of solar energy.

makes it more difficult to place the Romans even casual use made yesterday by the head of Economic Development on the numbers of costi delle rinnovabili. "Romani mente sapendo di mentire - denuncia il deputato del Pd Ermete Realacci - se afferma che gli incentivi alle rinnovabili sono costati agli italiani 20 miliardi di euro tra il 2009 e il 2010. La grandissima parte di queste risorse non ha nulla a che vedere con le fonti rinnovabili: negli anni passati abbiamo speso tra i 40 e i 50 miliardi di euro per finanziare i combustibili fossili e la chiusura del vecchio nucleare". E a fare le pulci alle affermazioni di Romani è oggi anche Massimo Sapienza presidente di Asso Energie Future. "Sul prezzo dell'elettricità casalinga - osserva - gravano costi poco noti che potrebbero essere tagliati. Tra gli altri, quelli del servizio di interrompibilità: è uno sconto concesso a 120 grandi utenti, quasi tutti acciaierie, per la disponibilità a interrompere il loro carico di energia con un preavviso breve in caso di picco. In cambio di questa disponibilità, quasi sempre teorica, gli industriali dell'acciaio incassano 120 milioni di euro l'anno: un regalo da un milione di euro a industria. Perché sacrificare le famiglie e girare i finanziamenti a 120 industrie?".
(01 marzo 2011)
Fonte www.repubblica.it


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