Appeal to President Napolitano "The decree renewable and 'unconstitutional'
Different points of the new legislative decree transposing EU Directive on renewables could be inconsistent with the constitutional principles, particularly in relation to articoli 41, 76, 97, 114. Si chiede al Presidente della Repubblica Napolitano di non firmare il provvedimento ammazza-rinnovabili.
Presidente non lo firmi.
” Il decreto Romani di recepimento della direttiva europea sulle rinnovabili non piace agli operatori del settore che vi hanno anche rilevato diversi elementi in contrasto con la nostra Costituzione, al punto di arrivare ad appellarsi al Presidente della Repubblica con una lettera (in allegato), che invitano ad inoltrare agli indirizzi della Presidenza ( -, fax 06 46993125 - Telex 06 620022).
Tra gli aspetti più controversi c'è il comma 9-bis che pone come data End of the Third Energy Bill May 31, 2011, without any transition period (the decree of the energy bill was staring at him in 14 months). This provision would seem to violate Article. 41 of the Constitution, which protects private economic initiative: the entrepreneurs is how they decide on their investments is based on a mechanism adopted in August 2010 and came into force on 1 January 2011 and expected until the end of 2013. Here we see a sudden change in the legislative and the article to be retroactive modification of a system of incentives, an approach generally punished as illegal by the State Council (source: Falcione, studio-DLA Piper).
So are several elements of the decree in contrast con la Carta costituzionale, secondo gli autori della missiva, di cui riportiamo parte del testo:
“Si evidenzia la sussistenza di profili di manifesta incostituzionalità dello stesso con particolare riguardo agli artt. 8 e 23 o altri diversi articoli che dovessero risultare dal testo definitivo, con sotto le rubriche rispettivamente: “requisiti e specifiche tecniche” e “disposizioni transitorie e abrogazioni”.
1.In ordine agli artt. 3 e 41 della Costituzione sotto il profilo della ragionevole discriminazione tra iniziative economiche che si trovano in fasi differenti; a tal fine si considera che la differenza nelle fasi di sviluppo degli impianti dipende da fattori non controllabili ed estranei alla willingness of operators, including delays caused by the inefficiency of the bureaucracy and managers of public administrations responsible for issuing licenses habilitation, in other words, it can take advantage of those incentives that operators have had the misfortune of having to do with administrations and agencies of the network operators more inefficient
2.For violation of Article. 41 of the Constitution, given that the introduction of the time limit will have the effect of 31/5/2011 to break all significant economic initiatives that can not adapt to the predicted non-matching, original and unpredictable period, to the blatant violation of freedom of initiative private enterprise;
3.In order to contrast with the art. 76 of the Constitution, since the government delegate with Community Law 2009 (L. 04/06/2010 n. 96) the implementation of EU directives on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, rather than promote it decreed In essence, the end of the same, contradicting the delegation received an obvious and subsequent advice of the two Houses of Parliament. In other words, by doing so the government has improperly exercised the legislative power, in the absence of delegation, in contrast with the indications of Parliament and the general direction of the law of the delegation,
4.For violation of Article. 117 of the Constitution: (i) in relation to the Kyoto Protocol, n.2009/28 Directive of 23.04.2009 and not least the recommendation of the European Commission of 31 January about as a result of the aforementioned Legislative Decree unconstitutional, Italy does not meet the targets set out in these acts, thus violating accepted international treaties. (Ii) concerning art. 16 of Directive No. 2009/28 which requires Member States to ensure that "appropriate measures are adopted market-related operational and network so that there are fewer restrictions possible for electricity produced from renewable sources", with the introduction of the above limits shall take the Italian a legislative act diametrically opposite to the objectives with the said Article 16.
5.Violazione art. 97 of the Constitution laying down the principles of impartiality and efficiency of administrative action. In fact, with the Decree in question were not detected in the tools and measures more appropriate and reasonable, efficient and effective in the pursuit of the public practice of promoting renewable energy. It 'is quite evident, however, that the Government has pursued the' goal of ending the renewable energy in Italy.
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