renewable, photovoltaic, thousands in Rome say no to the Decree of the Minister Romani
In thousand Rome to say no to the decree of the Romans: chronicle of a day of action
Francesco Meneguzzo, SOS Renewable exclusive greenreport
ROME. The Minister and the Romans "ghost-writers" of the infamous Decree 3 March 2011 have hurt their accounts. If, in fact, it can be easy to remove a newborn baby, sometimes the young lions can sell life dearly. The industrial sector, economic and financial burden to renewable energy, first of all photovoltaic is grown, even in the knowledge, as demonstrated today thousands of people, including employers, workers, representatives of banks and investment funds, Environmental and simple citizens who crowded the Teatro Quirino in Rome and the surrounding streets - because too many were out! - And the thousands of other groups of people who have followed the entire event live over the Internet, which transmitted video, messages, notices of any kind.
Huge and hopelessness for the immediate consequences of the decree, which - according to the heartfelt and sometimes even touching speeches and appeals to many entrepreneurs (so different from the "sinister speculators" saddled by the Government and certain areas of Confindustria) - literally "sent home" immediately tens of thousands of workers to extremely low average age and mostly located in the south and central Italy, closes thousands of companies, exposes banks and Italian and foreign investors for tens of billions of euro, causing a quantifiable financial loss to a minimum 1% of GDP in direct damage to the treasury, then to the state coffers, nearly € 20 billion (not to mention the costs of layoffs and unemployment benefits), as well as prevent municipalities to receive hundreds of millions of euro a year in "offsets", the expectations in the current shortage of state transfers.
Grande is also the disappointment and embarrassment that a measure like this wicked instrument and has already procured and finally to the Italian system, now seen as a system from an unreliable and lacking even the minimum legal certainty necessary to undertake business ventures and some industrial importance, as emphasized by several interventions.
If the discomfort and disappointment are enormous, giant is no less willing to fight back and raise immediately, strengthened by a great and growing consensus in the country.
Some whisper, at least, must have come far too insensitive to the ears of the Minister of the Romans, who in fact has called for next Tuesday at an open table organizations, banks and associations to discuss how to mitigate the disastrous consequences of the decree, what he should have done before the solemn fool decreased over the entire country!
As usual, it is found that does not work the concept of "technology good or bad, but everything is played on power: on the one hand, the oil and gas industry, and the emerging nuclear lobby, who see in the above incentives on photovoltaics, wind energy, but also a "competition" with incentives "CIP6" the refinery waste and other junk (besides repeatedly censured by the European Union) and the inevitable public to nuclear incentives (which with private money can never do!), the other an organization finally unified and aware of renewable sources of entrepreneurship, strong employment equal to many FIAT times, with a turnover of tens of billions of euros, and awareness, which must be reached even at extremely sensitive ears of nuclear, that with the current trend by the middle of next year, the PV will produce only so much energy - warning, no power , its energy - than they can deliver the four phantom power plants but at least ten long years!
palpable impression is that the government is playing with fire, and not just wild, very civilly, contractors, banks and related organizations, but also with that of the tens of thousands of workers today, in Rome, have made their voices heard agreed, saying prepared for any protest action in the civil case in which the consequences of the decree actually manifests itself in terms of risk of the job.
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