Monday, March 14, 2011

Cross Dressing Men In Panties

Wednesday 'vote in the House on March 16 decree motions renewable

(ASCA) - Roma, 14 mar - E 'were scheduled for Wednesday' March 16, here in the House, the vote on the motions on renewable energy. This was decided by the conference of leaders of the House. There are two motions were presented, one from the Democratic Party and the other from Fli, committing the government to revise the decree to protect the investments already 'programmed by the industry and granted by the banks.

Rating Wednesday's' motions on renewable energy has taken the place of voting on proposed legislation on small municipalities, which was postponed until next week. ''All the business world that deals with renewable energy has taken a beating from the choice of government incentives. Cancellations of orders close - said the Democratic Party leader, Dario Franceschini - are hitting a sector in which, instead, in our country should be more 'than ever to invest. Many members of the majority said they did not agree with the decree and now have an opportunity to be heard.'' The motion of the Democratic Party''commits the government to eliminate by the rules that have blown up thousands of orders.'' The leader of the FLI, Benedetto della Vedova, the premise of not wanting to open on the nuclear controversy, said that''it raised the specific commitment of the government to expedite a response in relation to investments in progress or already 'authorized and in which many banks, especially foreign have now advanced perplexity'''.

ASCA) - Roma, 14 March - The Swiss People's Party in the House has tabled a motion on renewable energy for the government asks you to modify the decree that blocked the incentives. It is''to give certainty to those who have invested and are investing - explains Mauro Libe ', first signed the motion - is to avoid discouraging foreign investment.'' Libe 'also points out that''and' necessary review the system of incentives, an issue on which the Government should consider giving positive indications for the sector, and open a table in consultation with associations and banks.''


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