Monday, February 28, 2011

Low Cut Design Wrestling Singlet

"too picky about the laws"??

But do not ask that the ideas of law, rules of law and democracy have a person who makes such a statement?

Low Cut Design Wrestling Singlet

"too picky about the laws"??

But do not ask that the ideas of law, rules of law and democracy have a person who makes such a statement?

Manic Panic At Shoppers Drug Mart Calgary

Photovoltaics, the government now in confusion, would effectively repeal the 2011 energy bill.

Ad oggi sono gia' stati incentivati impianti fotovoltaici per 3700 MW di potenza cumulativa, altri impianti per 3770 MW hanno chiesto di usufruire della 129/2010 (incentivi 2010 per impianti installati nel 2010 ma allacciati nel 2011). In realta' qualcuno di questi ultimi impianti ha gia' applied for and incentive and 'between 3700 MW encouraged. But 'officially (with an affidavit by a qualified technician) were already' installed for at least 6000/6500 MW cumulative power.
later this week, the government, and what is' understood, put 'the goal already' existing 8000 MW in 2020 as a mandatory limit of incentives (that link did not exist before). There are no exceptions except for plants already 'authorized. So, if 8000 MW will be reached the day before the 'authorization of a plant will not have this' incentivi.Non and 'impossible to predict when it will' this limit is reached (in December in the space of a month are suddenly erupted 4000 MW), but expected in ' year. This decision effectively cancels the 2011 energy bill that included incentives of up to 2013, with a binding limit of 3000 MW (but only for this incentive 2011) and 14 months after reaching this limit, to complete installations which are designed (even those not yet approved). Based on this energy account for a period of three years investments have been made and also plans for life (even if limited to the next three years). I think Berlusconi will fall 'before reaching 8000 MW of photovoltaic power and remedy' this, if it is approved so '(which seems absurd, many voters are also working in the renewable Berlusconi). Let me point out, however, the 'yet another act of this government that demonstrates a lack of lucidity 'and a lot of approximation.

throwing in the sponge on the energy bill?

There is a risk of a moratorium on incentives for PV in Italy. And 'what is sensed by the draft legislative decree for implementation of the Renewable Directive 2009/28/EC. The Council of Ministers should approve the measure Wednesday. The world of PV and environmentalist is on a war footing.

The views we assumed the broadsides against the authority of Confindustria and incentives for renewables and photovoltaics in particular and the likely emotional reaction to the effects of the decree "Save Alcoa" Now there is the risk of a moratorium on incentives for PV in Italy. And 'what is law in the draft legislative decree for implementation of the Renewable Directive 2009/28/EC. In particular photovoltaics Article 23, paragraph 11 d) provides that: "with effect from 1 January 2014 the energy bill is repealed. In the case of early achievement of specific objective for solar photovoltaics, set at 8,000 MW for 2020 is suspended the allocation of incentives for more production from solar photovoltaic until it is determined by decree of the Minister of Economic Development, to be taken in consultation with the Minister for the Environment and Protection of the Sea, after consultation with the Joint Conference of new policy objectives and the means of prosecution. " The Council of Ministers should approve the measure Thursday, March 3 which could also block the development of wind power (but more about that in another article).

The risk is strong, since the objective of 8,000 MW provided by the National Action Plan will be achieved already by the summer (between connected devices and in the process of connecting you surpass the 7 GW in late spring) and a measure of this would like today to a block from the banks for funding new facilities in view of the long connection times and a photo finish race to grab the hundreds megawatts available. Already l’effetto annuncio di questo provvedimento avrà creato il panico. Inoltre, aspetto gravissimo, si avrebbe un impasse totale di un comparto che in questi due anni ha avuto la caratteristica, unica nell’industria nazionale, di essere anticiclico. Secondo le diverse valutazioni il fatturato 2010 del settore FV dovrebbe attestarsi tra 25 e 40 miliardi di euro, quindi più del 2% del Pil 2010.

Certo, una rivalutazione delle tariffe andrà fatta rapidamente, anche per accompagnare la tecnologia alla grid parity, ma con questo colpo di spugna si rischia di affossare migliaia di posti di lavoro e distruggere il lavoro di anni di centinaia di aziende che rappresentano una concreta realtà economico-produttiva e occupazionale di questo country.

By achieving the 8,000 MW power letasse some operators have estimated that annual pay by sector (profits and personnel) amount to about EUR 2 billion, while those paid by the person responsible for the additional facilities will be 0, € 5 billion, compared to projected costs in the bill for about 3.7 billion euro. The budget improves if we consider the fines to avoid the lower CO2 emissions made possible by the spread of photovoltaic and avoided costs for layoffs (layoffs and closure of companies) which is paid by the State.

Why so afraid to make photovoltaic energy traditional powers? Perhaps because, with consumption electric current (300 TWh) already 8 GW of installed capacity represents a share of the total production consumed rather important, or nearly 3%? And if you point, as it would be fair, to 20 GW by 2020? We consider that Germany has a national target of 52 GW at the end of the decade PV.

Considering that the incentives will decrease, as is typical of any energy bill (or feed in tariff), with the first target of 8 GW cost on your bill each year and each family should not exceed 28 euro, but all computing benefits the industry will pay to state coffers, this expenditure will be less than 10 € a year.

With regard to incentives, some associations of sources, such as Italy and Ises Kyoto Club, consider sensible "to replace the idea of \u200b\u200bthree-year adjustment of incentives by a permanent mechanism for their adjustment related to certain parameters, such as changes in costs of individual technologies at European level, the price of kWh in an electrical and gas in the heat, to be defined within the process of comprehensive review of the incentives. "

In the next hours will report all positions in the world of photovoltaics and counter-measure to this evil which we hope will immediately removed.

Leonardo Berlen
February 28, 2011


Manic Panic At Shoppers Drug Mart Calgary

Photovoltaics, the government now in confusion, would effectively repeal the 2011 energy bill.

Ad oggi sono gia' stati incentivati impianti fotovoltaici per 3700 MW di potenza cumulativa, altri impianti per 3770 MW hanno chiesto di usufruire della 129/2010 (incentivi 2010 per impianti installati nel 2010 ma allacciati nel 2011). In realta' qualcuno di questi ultimi impianti ha gia' applied for and incentive and 'between 3700 MW encouraged. But 'officially (with an affidavit by a qualified technician) were already' installed for at least 6000/6500 MW cumulative power.
later this week, the government, and what is' understood, put 'the goal already' existing 8000 MW in 2020 as a mandatory limit of incentives (that link did not exist before). There are no exceptions except for plants already 'authorized. So, if 8000 MW will be reached the day before the 'authorization of a plant will not have this' incentivi.Non and 'impossible to predict when it will' this limit is reached (in December in the space of a month are suddenly erupted 4000 MW), but expected in ' year. This decision effectively cancels the 2011 energy bill that included incentives of up to 2013, with a binding limit of 3000 MW (but only for this incentive 2011) and 14 months after reaching this limit, to complete installations which are designed (even those not yet approved). Based on this energy account for a period of three years investments have been made and also plans for life (even if limited to the next three years). I think Berlusconi will fall 'before reaching 8000 MW of photovoltaic power and remedy' this, if it is approved so '(which seems absurd, many voters are also working in the renewable Berlusconi). Let me point out, however, the 'yet another act of this government that demonstrates a lack of lucidity 'and a lot of approximation.

throwing in the sponge on the energy bill?

There is a risk of a moratorium on incentives for PV in Italy. And 'what is sensed by the draft legislative decree for implementation of the Renewable Directive 2009/28/EC. The Council of Ministers should approve the measure Wednesday. The world of PV and environmentalist is on a war footing.

The views we assumed the broadsides against the authority of Confindustria and incentives for renewables and photovoltaics in particular and the likely emotional reaction to the effects of the decree "Save Alcoa" Now there is the risk of a moratorium on incentives for PV in Italy. And 'what is law in the draft legislative decree for implementation of the Renewable Directive 2009/28/EC. In particular photovoltaics Article 23, paragraph 11 d) provides that: "with effect from 1 January 2014 the energy bill is repealed. In the case of early achievement of specific objective for solar photovoltaics, set at 8,000 MW for 2020 is suspended the allocation of incentives for more production from solar photovoltaic until it is determined by decree of the Minister of Economic Development, to be taken in consultation with the Minister for the Environment and Protection of the Sea, after consultation with the Joint Conference of new policy objectives and the means of prosecution. " The Council of Ministers should approve the measure Thursday, March 3 which could also block the development of wind power (but more about that in another article).

The risk is strong, since the objective of 8,000 MW provided by the National Action Plan will be achieved already by the summer (between connected devices and in the process of connecting you surpass the 7 GW in late spring) and a measure of this would like today to a block from the banks for funding new facilities in view of the long connection times and a photo finish race to grab the hundreds megawatts available. Already l’effetto annuncio di questo provvedimento avrà creato il panico. Inoltre, aspetto gravissimo, si avrebbe un impasse totale di un comparto che in questi due anni ha avuto la caratteristica, unica nell’industria nazionale, di essere anticiclico. Secondo le diverse valutazioni il fatturato 2010 del settore FV dovrebbe attestarsi tra 25 e 40 miliardi di euro, quindi più del 2% del Pil 2010.

Certo, una rivalutazione delle tariffe andrà fatta rapidamente, anche per accompagnare la tecnologia alla grid parity, ma con questo colpo di spugna si rischia di affossare migliaia di posti di lavoro e distruggere il lavoro di anni di centinaia di aziende che rappresentano una concreta realtà economico-produttiva e occupazionale di questo country.

By achieving the 8,000 MW power letasse some operators have estimated that annual pay by sector (profits and personnel) amount to about EUR 2 billion, while those paid by the person responsible for the additional facilities will be 0, € 5 billion, compared to projected costs in the bill for about 3.7 billion euro. The budget improves if we consider the fines to avoid the lower CO2 emissions made possible by the spread of photovoltaic and avoided costs for layoffs (layoffs and closure of companies) which is paid by the State.

Why so afraid to make photovoltaic energy traditional powers? Perhaps because, with consumption electric current (300 TWh) already 8 GW of installed capacity represents a share of the total production consumed rather important, or nearly 3%? And if you point, as it would be fair, to 20 GW by 2020? We consider that Germany has a national target of 52 GW at the end of the decade PV.

Considering that the incentives will decrease, as is typical of any energy bill (or feed in tariff), with the first target of 8 GW cost on your bill each year and each family should not exceed 28 euro, but all computing benefits the industry will pay to state coffers, this expenditure will be less than 10 € a year.

With regard to incentives, some associations of sources, such as Italy and Ises Kyoto Club, consider sensible "to replace the idea of \u200b\u200bthree-year adjustment of incentives by a permanent mechanism for their adjustment related to certain parameters, such as changes in costs of individual technologies at European level, the price of kWh in an electrical and gas in the heat, to be defined within the process of comprehensive review of the incentives. "

In the next hours will report all positions in the world of photovoltaics and counter-measure to this evil which we hope will immediately removed.

Leonardo Berlen
February 28, 2011


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Black Spots On Lcd Display

A simple set ...

ma carino, che ne dite?
Ho pensato ad un paio di orecchini in toni verde/grigio molto semplici

e a questo giro di perline nelle stesse tonalità

 come sempre , se volete maggiori informazioni contattatemi alla mia mail

Buon sabato sera e Buona domenica!!!!!

Black Spots On Lcd Display

A simple set ...

ma carino, che ne dite?
Ho pensato ad un paio di orecchini in toni verde/grigio molto semplici

e a questo giro di perline nelle stesse tonalità

 come sempre , se volete maggiori informazioni contattatemi alla mia mail

Buon sabato sera e Buona domenica!!!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Poems For Money Trees For Baby

Libya, the three monkeys, Confindustria and pacifists

Umberto Mazzantini

LIVORNO. Libya comes the horrifying images of genocide in which a mad regime collapses its people in mass graves and in the blood. Al Arabiya is about 10 thousand dead, more than 50,000. Benghazi is released and the mercenaries of Gaddafi Zawia bomb, while the rebels marched to Tripoli, where the Praetorian Guard of the dictator and regime loyalists have flooded the streets with the blood of rebels. Obama says indignantly, while our government and called for peace in front of stuttering in the massacre of a people, and seems more worried more for gas and oil for the lucrative business of the state and the collapse of the wall made of anti-immigrant murders , harassment and torture, that Gaddafi had built with our money and our arms ...

In all this is certainly good to read today's Sole 24 Ore on the article "Three monkeys in the desert" by Christian Rocca pilat underscoring the complicity of our government and concludes: "The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Minister Franco Frattini, that no Europe's task is to interfere in the internal affairs of Libya, is not only shortsighted, misguided and based on the illusion that the regime at the end will be saved. It is also diametrically opposed to consolidated un'ormai Italian foreign policy, shared by the center-left governments (Somalia, Serbia, Albania, Lebanon) and center-right (Iraq and Afghanistan) and focused on the democratic right and duty to interfere to intervene to stop the massacres a few miles away from our house, "But it hurts to read the same newspaper on the sly cerchiobottismo unsigned short article (and therefore attributable to the direction), entitled" Not moved the pain of Libya ", which as a tried and tested reflex, takes issue with the Italian pacifists: "It is astonishing that this slaughter is faring in the deafening silence of associations, organizations, agencies increasingly engaged in the front row when you have, commendably, to defend the rights of oppressed peoples throughout the world. To date we have had no reports of convictions, neither high nor low, by anyone. No demonstrations, no peace flag on display, no anti-war march. No darts for Cain. Yet, on the contrary, the protesters are trying to get rid of the Libyan Colonel Gaddafi, one of the bloodiest dictators of the last century. It will be fatigue, will be the resignation, but for the dead in Libya is heard a deafening silence. " More

that deafened the newspaper of Confindustria seem deaf and blind, because the voices of peace associations and human rights were raised (and rise) for years all over the world, unfortunately unheeded by entrepreneurs "pragmatic" than with the Libyan genocidal regime were (and are) a roaring trade. They had not seen the Italian industrialists, since the time of the Gaddafi and Fiat Juventus, cosa succedeva nella nostra ex colonia? Non avevano capito quale era il prezzo dei loro affari quando seguivano in codazzi festanti il nostro capo del governo nelle tende beduine del dittatore? Non avevano capito quanto sangue, dolore, ingiustizia e sopraffazione c'era dietro l'accordo Libia-Italia che hanno calorosamente applaudito e che, in cambio della repressione dei migranti e dei danni di guerra per il colonialismo fascista, dava all'Italia ed alle industrie parastatali e private, appalti miliardari per costruire autostrade di regime e per trivellare altro gas e petrolio? Cosa pensavano gli industriali italiani quando, scortati da Berlusconi e dai suoi ministri, stringeva sorridente la mano di Gheddafi in occasione delle sue visite romane con tende, horses and followed the hostess who made us ridiculous (yet again) in the world? Does anyone remember a few angry comments at the Confederation of Berlusconi's kiss to Gaddafi in Libya, which is making the rounds of the web as demonstrating the complicity of our government with the tormentor of Tripoli?

probably one of the three monkeys of the desert Confindustria is the largest and the most blind, deaf and dumb at the same time ... other than blame the pacifists who stand against Gadhafi and his regime have taken shameful.

is not a coincidence that the first to escape the flames in Libya were the Italians and Chinese, but with one difference: we ancora una democrazia, la Cina è una dittatura che fa affari indifferentemente con tutte le dittature senza chiedere in cambio certo il rispetto dei diritti umani o la libertà di stampa, di riunione e di voto. Anzi in quel che succede nel mondo arabo e nelle sue rivoluzioni c'è anche un'altra differenza tutta italiota, che un forse malinteso amor di patria (o speriamo una tardiva vergogna) hanno fatto sparire dalle pagine di quasi tutti i nostri giornali: il nostro Paese, l'Italia, è il primo partner commerciale della Libia, ma era anche il primo partner commerciale della dittatura tunisina di Ben Ali (circa 500 aziende italiane nel più piccolo Paese del Nord Africa) e il secondo partner commerciale della dittatura egiziana di Hosni Mubarak. They did not know Confindustria and Il Sole 24 Ore that Italy and its global business were working together, supporting and enriching a few 'bloodiest dictators of the last century "?

Il Sole 24 Ore can not see any substantial difference between ethical and political approach to these two press FederPetroli and Legambiente? Among a group of entrepreneurs and an avowedly pacifist?

says the president FederPetroli Italy, Michele Marseille, which is monitoring the situation hour by hour Libya: "According to the sources and the situation that we received in less than 24 hours has evolved, began operations in Libya bombing of cities At this point the risk is obvious to the human factor in the first place and, for all the infrastructure in Libya. As in the Gulf War, when the position of the Libyan Rais will now no way out, there will be no choice about who and where to bomb, the damage to energy infrastructure would be invaluable to millions of euro, the concern is no longer that of the source of supply '. She says Ross

Muroni, director general of Legambiente: "The international community can not remain silent in the face of such a genocide. Italy's embarrassing behavior. It should open their borders and instead put an appropriate and immediate action. While consuming a massacre unprecedented in Libya, the only concern dell'Italia è quella che non si rompa la "diga anticlandestini", creata con il trattato Italia-Libia. Siamo imbarazzati dai rapporti e dalle convenzioni stabilite dal nostro Paese con il colonnello Gheddafi sulla "prevenzione clandestina", dietro cui si nascondono continue violazioni dei diritti umani. E' necessario che il nostro Paese accolga l'appello dell'Alto commissariato Onu per i rifugiati e apra le frontiere nazionali e ci si schieri concretamente a favore di un intervento immediato della Comunità internazionale per fermare al più presto questo genocidio».

E' evidente chi pensa al petrolio e chi al popolo libico, e non da ora. Forse quella del Sole è una voluta cantonata, un espediente polemico per evitare un'autocritica which would be needed, because the dead in the streets and Italian entrepreneurs who run away from Tripoli, the best defense is certainly not the attack on the alleged lack of interest among peace activists who always shouted in the wilderness of politics and dumb and deaf Italian entrepreneurs, Gaddafi's Bedouin tents while in the three monkeys is shut themselves up eyes, ears and mouths and festive queuing to sign oil deals and to sell weapons that are now used to kill those who ask for freedom and peace.


Poems For Money Trees For Baby

Libya, the three monkeys, Confindustria and pacifists

Umberto Mazzantini

LIVORNO. Libya comes the horrifying images of genocide in which a mad regime collapses its people in mass graves and in the blood. Al Arabiya is about 10 thousand dead, more than 50,000. Benghazi is released and the mercenaries of Gaddafi Zawia bomb, while the rebels marched to Tripoli, where the Praetorian Guard of the dictator and regime loyalists have flooded the streets with the blood of rebels. Obama says indignantly, while our government and called for peace in front of stuttering in the massacre of a people, and seems more worried more for gas and oil for the lucrative business of the state and the collapse of the wall made of anti-immigrant murders , harassment and torture, that Gaddafi had built with our money and our arms ...

In all this is certainly good to read today's Sole 24 Ore on the article "Three monkeys in the desert" by Christian Rocca pilat underscoring the complicity of our government and concludes: "The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Minister Franco Frattini, that no Europe's task is to interfere in the internal affairs of Libya, is not only shortsighted, misguided and based on the illusion that the regime at the end will be saved. It is also diametrically opposed to consolidated un'ormai Italian foreign policy, shared by the center-left governments (Somalia, Serbia, Albania, Lebanon) and center-right (Iraq and Afghanistan) and focused on the democratic right and duty to interfere to intervene to stop the massacres a few miles away from our house, "But it hurts to read the same newspaper on the sly cerchiobottismo unsigned short article (and therefore attributable to the direction), entitled" Not moved the pain of Libya ", which as a tried and tested reflex, takes issue with the Italian pacifists: "It is astonishing that this slaughter is faring in the deafening silence of associations, organizations, agencies increasingly engaged in the front row when you have, commendably, to defend the rights of oppressed peoples throughout the world. To date we have had no reports of convictions, neither high nor low, by anyone. No demonstrations, no peace flag on display, no anti-war march. No darts for Cain. Yet, on the contrary, the protesters are trying to get rid of the Libyan Colonel Gaddafi, one of the bloodiest dictators of the last century. It will be fatigue, will be the resignation, but for the dead in Libya is heard a deafening silence. " More

that deafened the newspaper of Confindustria seem deaf and blind, because the voices of peace associations and human rights were raised (and rise) for years all over the world, unfortunately unheeded by entrepreneurs "pragmatic" than with the Libyan genocidal regime were (and are) a roaring trade. They had not seen the Italian industrialists, since the time of the Gaddafi and Fiat Juventus, cosa succedeva nella nostra ex colonia? Non avevano capito quale era il prezzo dei loro affari quando seguivano in codazzi festanti il nostro capo del governo nelle tende beduine del dittatore? Non avevano capito quanto sangue, dolore, ingiustizia e sopraffazione c'era dietro l'accordo Libia-Italia che hanno calorosamente applaudito e che, in cambio della repressione dei migranti e dei danni di guerra per il colonialismo fascista, dava all'Italia ed alle industrie parastatali e private, appalti miliardari per costruire autostrade di regime e per trivellare altro gas e petrolio? Cosa pensavano gli industriali italiani quando, scortati da Berlusconi e dai suoi ministri, stringeva sorridente la mano di Gheddafi in occasione delle sue visite romane con tende, horses and followed the hostess who made us ridiculous (yet again) in the world? Does anyone remember a few angry comments at the Confederation of Berlusconi's kiss to Gaddafi in Libya, which is making the rounds of the web as demonstrating the complicity of our government with the tormentor of Tripoli?

probably one of the three monkeys of the desert Confindustria is the largest and the most blind, deaf and dumb at the same time ... other than blame the pacifists who stand against Gadhafi and his regime have taken shameful.

is not a coincidence that the first to escape the flames in Libya were the Italians and Chinese, but with one difference: we ancora una democrazia, la Cina è una dittatura che fa affari indifferentemente con tutte le dittature senza chiedere in cambio certo il rispetto dei diritti umani o la libertà di stampa, di riunione e di voto. Anzi in quel che succede nel mondo arabo e nelle sue rivoluzioni c'è anche un'altra differenza tutta italiota, che un forse malinteso amor di patria (o speriamo una tardiva vergogna) hanno fatto sparire dalle pagine di quasi tutti i nostri giornali: il nostro Paese, l'Italia, è il primo partner commerciale della Libia, ma era anche il primo partner commerciale della dittatura tunisina di Ben Ali (circa 500 aziende italiane nel più piccolo Paese del Nord Africa) e il secondo partner commerciale della dittatura egiziana di Hosni Mubarak. They did not know Confindustria and Il Sole 24 Ore that Italy and its global business were working together, supporting and enriching a few 'bloodiest dictators of the last century "?

Il Sole 24 Ore can not see any substantial difference between ethical and political approach to these two press FederPetroli and Legambiente? Among a group of entrepreneurs and an avowedly pacifist?

says the president FederPetroli Italy, Michele Marseille, which is monitoring the situation hour by hour Libya: "According to the sources and the situation that we received in less than 24 hours has evolved, began operations in Libya bombing of cities At this point the risk is obvious to the human factor in the first place and, for all the infrastructure in Libya. As in the Gulf War, when the position of the Libyan Rais will now no way out, there will be no choice about who and where to bomb, the damage to energy infrastructure would be invaluable to millions of euro, the concern is no longer that of the source of supply '. She says Ross

Muroni, director general of Legambiente: "The international community can not remain silent in the face of such a genocide. Italy's embarrassing behavior. It should open their borders and instead put an appropriate and immediate action. While consuming a massacre unprecedented in Libya, the only concern dell'Italia è quella che non si rompa la "diga anticlandestini", creata con il trattato Italia-Libia. Siamo imbarazzati dai rapporti e dalle convenzioni stabilite dal nostro Paese con il colonnello Gheddafi sulla "prevenzione clandestina", dietro cui si nascondono continue violazioni dei diritti umani. E' necessario che il nostro Paese accolga l'appello dell'Alto commissariato Onu per i rifugiati e apra le frontiere nazionali e ci si schieri concretamente a favore di un intervento immediato della Comunità internazionale per fermare al più presto questo genocidio».

E' evidente chi pensa al petrolio e chi al popolo libico, e non da ora. Forse quella del Sole è una voluta cantonata, un espediente polemico per evitare un'autocritica which would be needed, because the dead in the streets and Italian entrepreneurs who run away from Tripoli, the best defense is certainly not the attack on the alleged lack of interest among peace activists who always shouted in the wilderness of politics and dumb and deaf Italian entrepreneurs, Gaddafi's Bedouin tents while in the three monkeys is shut themselves up eyes, ears and mouths and festive queuing to sign oil deals and to sell weapons that are now used to kill those who ask for freedom and peace.


How Many Calories In Pink Grapefruit

Brent 113.92 - 100.50 WTI oil price GDP

At 11:36 on 24 February 2011 and Brent oil price '$ 113.92 / b, while the WTI has passed the $ 100 / b. The price of oil and Brent 'price of trading on the European market and is usually 'slightly lower than the price of WTI or at least the differences between the two prices are never of this size. This phenomenon of 'Brent increase lasts for at least five weeks and now to coincide with the Libyan crisis the price has reached its highest level since September 2008. The coincidence of increasing
, unusual or unexpected in Brent, North Africa and the Arab disturbances can 'lead to a rapid deterioration of the economic crisis. With patience and persistence, however, we must 'remember that the issue of the limits of the production of oil and the coming decline of that inevitably leads to' increased prices of fossil fuels that will take place 'with sudden acceleration and retreat of' world economies.

How Many Calories In Pink Grapefruit

Brent 113.92 - 100.50 WTI oil price GDP

At 11:36 on 24 February 2011 and Brent oil price '$ 113.92 / b, while the WTI has passed the $ 100 / b. The price of oil and Brent 'price of trading on the European market and is usually 'slightly lower than the price of WTI or at least the differences between the two prices are never of this size. This phenomenon of 'Brent increase lasts for at least five weeks and now to coincide with the Libyan crisis the price has reached its highest level since September 2008. The coincidence of increasing
, unusual or unexpected in Brent, North Africa and the Arab disturbances can 'lead to a rapid deterioration of the economic crisis. With patience and persistence, however, we must 'remember that the issue of the limits of the production of oil and the coming decline of that inevitably leads to' increased prices of fossil fuels that will take place 'with sudden acceleration and retreat of' world economies.

Where Can I Buy Konad Nail Art In Stores

Trevisi Gianpaolo presents a new book

from the publisher Gabrielli Editori (via Ledge 67, 37029 San Pietro in Cariano), for "Meet the Author" tonight at 20.30 si terrà la presentazione del libro Un Treno di Vita di Gianpaolo Trevisi ,  Dirigente della Squadra Mobile della Questura di Verona con la passione per la scrittura e già autore del bellissimo libro Fogli di Via .

Where Can I Buy Konad Nail Art In Stores

Trevisi Gianpaolo presents a new book

from the publisher Gabrielli Editori (via Ledge 67, 37029 San Pietro in Cariano), for "Meet the Author" tonight at 20.30 si terrà la presentazione del libro Un Treno di Vita di Gianpaolo Trevisi ,  Dirigente della Squadra Mobile della Questura di Verona con la passione per la scrittura e già autore del bellissimo libro Fogli di Via .

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

World's Strongest Wood


Buongiornooooooooooo! Oggi giornata appena iniziata ma con il sole che già  fa capolino dal mare  ... I propose other necklaces, always consist of three rounds of pearls or a separable

I really like these: on the left consists of 3 rounds of beads separated each other and are in shades of 'blue and taupe, the right one is formed by a string of pearls blue
click click on the picture to enlarge
and if you are interested and contact information for any other alla mia mail :

Buona giornata a tuttteeeeee

World's Strongest Wood


Buongiornooooooooooo! Oggi giornata appena iniziata ma con il sole che già  fa capolino dal mare  ... I propose other necklaces, always consist of three rounds of pearls or a separable

I really like these: on the left consists of 3 rounds of beads separated each other and are in shades of 'blue and taupe, the right one is formed by a string of pearls blue
click click on the picture to enlarge
and if you are interested and contact information for any other alla mia mail :

Buona giornata a tuttteeeeee

What Etf Tracks Nikkei


Incredibile! Ma il mio blog ha ricevuto questo simpaticissimo premio , udite, udite, non da una sola blogger, ma da due blogger e più precisamente da Franca  e da Elena Terenzi .
Vi ringrazio, ragazze, per aver pensato proprio a me e al mio blog!
Ora però mi riesce difficile scegliere dei blog a cui girarlo, sono nuova della blogsfera... perciò lo giro a tutte indistintamente come un grande abbraccio per il vostro affetto!
Grazie!!!!!!!!!!!! Carlotta

What Etf Tracks Nikkei


Incredibile! Ma il mio blog ha ricevuto questo simpaticissimo premio , udite, udite, non da una sola blogger, ma da due blogger e più precisamente da Franca  e da Elena Terenzi .
Vi ringrazio, ragazze, per aver pensato proprio a me e al mio blog!
Ora però mi riesce difficile scegliere dei blog a cui girarlo, sono nuova della blogsfera... perciò lo giro a tutte indistintamente come un grande abbraccio per il vostro affetto!
Grazie!!!!!!!!!!!! Carlotta

Do I Need Marine Specific Boat Stereo

In Valpolicella growing a new forest

Cosa si incontra quotidianamente attraversando la Valpolicella? I sempre numerosi cantieri per nuovi insediamenti urbani che spesso senza che ve ne sia un reale bisogno vanno ad aumentare l'ormai incontenibile consumo del nostro territorio.
In assoluta controtendenza con tutto ciò, c'è invece chi ha pensato di ripristinare un panorama che purtroppo va scomparendo. Arbizzano , previously known for helping to affirm the neologism
Negrarizzazione sees today in front of one of his most beautiful villas of the Veneto, the sixteenth-century Villa Truth, the planting of more than two thousand plants that in a few years are going to reconstruct what until the early 1900's was to be the landscape of the place.
In fact, thanks to the commitment of ownership, since (seems strange) a lengthy bureaucratic process, in recent days about two hectares in front of the historic building is completed the installation of something that today can certainly be called Valpolicella Unfortunately, at least unusual. is to be hoped that someone is planning to follow suit!

Do I Need Marine Specific Boat Stereo

In Valpolicella growing a new forest

Cosa si incontra quotidianamente attraversando la Valpolicella? I sempre numerosi cantieri per nuovi insediamenti urbani che spesso senza che ve ne sia un reale bisogno vanno ad aumentare l'ormai incontenibile consumo del nostro territorio.
In assoluta controtendenza con tutto ciò, c'è invece chi ha pensato di ripristinare un panorama che purtroppo va scomparendo. Arbizzano , previously known for helping to affirm the neologism
Negrarizzazione sees today in front of one of his most beautiful villas of the Veneto, the sixteenth-century Villa Truth, the planting of more than two thousand plants that in a few years are going to reconstruct what until the early 1900's was to be the landscape of the place.
In fact, thanks to the commitment of ownership, since (seems strange) a lengthy bureaucratic process, in recent days about two hectares in front of the historic building is completed the installation of something that today can certainly be called Valpolicella Unfortunately, at least unusual. is to be hoped that someone is planning to follow suit!

Monday, February 21, 2011

1998 Ski Doo Tundra Price

flies from Libya 38% of the oil consumed in Italy

minute or two now talk of Libya. The first time it happened, on Oil, was in this post that just said:

Italy is Libya's biggest trading partner. Through Greenstream
pipeline, the longest in the Mediterranean (520 km. Mellitah by Gela), launched by Berlusconi and Gaddafi October 7, 2004, arriving from Libya in Italy about 8 billion cubic meters of gas a year.
The pipeline provides a tenth of our demand for natural gas.
The gas is extracted from the Wafa, in the southern desert, in partnership between the ENI 50% (present in the country since 1959) and the Libyan company NOC.

Libya provides 38% of the Italian national demand for oil. And I've said it all.

Says it all today, it seems to me.

The Libyan situation for us is much darker than Egypt. First, the internet penetration is so limited as to prevent the release of information directly and in real time as they were in Cairo. Then, the very presence of Al Jazeera and other television is currently very limited. Finally, the ongoing repression, much more dramatic than the one implemented by the soft but reviled Mubarak, makes everything more difficult. The feeling is that Western countries are still trying to figure out what the heck is it is a revolt by some other-directed, Finally, the arch-enemy to undermine revolutionary Gaddafi taking advantage of the epidemic that affects North Africa? Or is it a spontaneous uprising, but in any case that is configured as an unmissable opportunity to retake the country and especially its rich deposits, and usually someone is planning to rush the post-Qaddafi? Certainly not be excluded.

must also deal with an important element of this anomalous paid or ethnic divisions within the Jamahiria. Cyrenaica, Fezzan, Tripolitania are different regions joined by the nonsense of colonialism, they are taking the opportunity to stir up old grievances.

short, make assessments on the internal situation in Libya is rather difficult. So for the moment we put the red flags, the sun of, and widespread in the media for doing good to dwell on our business.

As noted at the beginning, Libya is not a poor country without resources, and above all helps to keep us warm, to supply electrical power and to walk to our cars. If you were to remain in a state of permanent turmoil could have serious consequences. But if Gaddafi is dropped, whoever will replace him as first put his hands on deposits and will review all existing agreements. Since that is an anti-Gaddafi, whether expression of popular will as a revolutionary alternative expression West, the result is that most bitter cabbage will be: our government is Roseanne with Gaddafi always, we will list some of the first to benefit from the new concessions. There is a kilometer long line waiting for years, and we have spernacchiato for too long. You just have to trust in diplomacy that ENI will have to do somersaults.

Alternatively, it will go and break her back to Libya. Ready to go?

Oil Source blog Debora Billi

1998 Ski Doo Tundra Price

flies from Libya 38% of the oil consumed in Italy

minute or two now talk of Libya. The first time it happened, on Oil, was in this post that just said:

Italy is Libya's biggest trading partner. Through Greenstream
pipeline, the longest in the Mediterranean (520 km. Mellitah by Gela), launched by Berlusconi and Gaddafi October 7, 2004, arriving from Libya in Italy about 8 billion cubic meters of gas a year.
The pipeline provides a tenth of our demand for natural gas.
The gas is extracted from the Wafa, in the southern desert, in partnership between the ENI 50% (present in the country since 1959) and the Libyan company NOC.

Libya provides 38% of the Italian national demand for oil. And I've said it all.

Says it all today, it seems to me.

The Libyan situation for us is much darker than Egypt. First, the internet penetration is so limited as to prevent the release of information directly and in real time as they were in Cairo. Then, the very presence of Al Jazeera and other television is currently very limited. Finally, the ongoing repression, much more dramatic than the one implemented by the soft but reviled Mubarak, makes everything more difficult. The feeling is that Western countries are still trying to figure out what the heck is it is a revolt by some other-directed, Finally, the arch-enemy to undermine revolutionary Gaddafi taking advantage of the epidemic that affects North Africa? Or is it a spontaneous uprising, but in any case that is configured as an unmissable opportunity to retake the country and especially its rich deposits, and usually someone is planning to rush the post-Qaddafi? Certainly not be excluded.

must also deal with an important element of this anomalous paid or ethnic divisions within the Jamahiria. Cyrenaica, Fezzan, Tripolitania are different regions joined by the nonsense of colonialism, they are taking the opportunity to stir up old grievances.

short, make assessments on the internal situation in Libya is rather difficult. So for the moment we put the red flags, the sun of, and widespread in the media for doing good to dwell on our business.

As noted at the beginning, Libya is not a poor country without resources, and above all helps to keep us warm, to supply electrical power and to walk to our cars. If you were to remain in a state of permanent turmoil could have serious consequences. But if Gaddafi is dropped, whoever will replace him as first put his hands on deposits and will review all existing agreements. Since that is an anti-Gaddafi, whether expression of popular will as a revolutionary alternative expression West, the result is that most bitter cabbage will be: our government is Roseanne with Gaddafi always, we will list some of the first to benefit from the new concessions. There is a kilometer long line waiting for years, and we have spernacchiato for too long. You just have to trust in diplomacy that ENI will have to do somersaults.

Alternatively, it will go and break her back to Libya. Ready to go?

Oil Source blog Debora Billi

Sample Baby Shower Thank You Notes Wording

Energy, Benin: les presidents Benin et du Togo ont opens the post of 'Interconnection Togo-Benin

Hier, mercredi 02 février 2011 à Parakou au Bénin, les présidents du Togo Faure Gnassingbe, the actuel président de l'UEMOA, et Boni Yayi du Bénin inaugurated the switchyard Togo-Benin. This opening reinforces the June 2009 where the two heads of states had already opened all of Kara, a town in northern Togo, the processing center of the electric company of Benin (CEB).
The establishment of these two positions will provide sufficient quality of energy to regions north of the two neighboring and friendly countries.
After the inauguration, back in Cotonou, Benin in the capital, the evening before a gala dinner, the Togolese President Faure Gnassingbe was made a Commander of the Order of Benin by son homologue béninois Yayi Boni.


Sample Baby Shower Thank You Notes Wording

Energy, Benin: les presidents Benin et du Togo ont opens the post of 'Interconnection Togo-Benin

Hier, mercredi 02 février 2011 à Parakou au Bénin, les présidents du Togo Faure Gnassingbe, the actuel président de l'UEMOA, et Boni Yayi du Bénin inaugurated the switchyard Togo-Benin. This opening reinforces the June 2009 where the two heads of states had already opened all of Kara, a town in northern Togo, the processing center of the electric company of Benin (CEB).
The establishment of these two positions will provide sufficient quality of energy to regions north of the two neighboring and friendly countries.
After the inauguration, back in Cotonou, Benin in the capital, the evening before a gala dinner, the Togolese President Faure Gnassingbe was made a Commander of the Order of Benin by son homologue béninois Yayi Boni.


Friday, February 18, 2011

How To Speed Up The Process Of Your Period

SOME 'OF JEWELRY !!!!!!!!!

In the last month have not been very present in the blogosphere .... but at least I was not with our hands !!!!!! and I made some necklaces and earrings jewelry

a pair of silver earrings and white necklace complemented by three rounds of even separable always in black and , silver .... click for details click on the picture
for any info:

and then made another necklace always divisible by 3 laps between them in a stronger color click ... click on photo for details

for any information do not hesitate to contact me,

you tomorrow with other creations

How To Speed Up The Process Of Your Period

SOME 'OF JEWELRY !!!!!!!!!

In the last month have not been very present in the blogosphere .... but at least I was not with our hands !!!!!! and I made some necklaces and earrings jewelry

a pair of silver earrings and white necklace complemented by three rounds of even separable always in black and , silver .... click for details click on the picture
for any info:

and then made another necklace always divisible by 3 laps between them in a stronger color click ... click on photo for details

for any information do not hesitate to contact me,

you tomorrow with other creations

How Long Does A Dry Chemical Extinguisher Last

Sunday walk ...

report this article on Alessandro Berti , which speaks of blocking traffic Sunday, February 20 made by mutual agreement between the municipalities Valpolicella.

How Long Does A Dry Chemical Extinguisher Last

Sunday walk ...

report this article on Alessandro Berti , which speaks of blocking traffic Sunday, February 20 made by mutual agreement between the municipalities Valpolicella.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How To Get My Hematoma To Absorb Quicker

Sign the appeal for the unification of the referendum with the elections.

Minister Maroni said they would fix the date of the referendum Sunday, June 12 or the last date prescribed by law . Il Forum dei movimenti per l'acqua, subito dopo le sentenze di ammissibilità della Corte, aveva inoltrato una lettera al Presidente della Repubblica, al presidente del Consiglio ed al ministro degli Interni chiedendo che il voto dei referendum si svolgesse in contemporanea con il voto delle amministrative .

How To Get My Hematoma To Absorb Quicker

Sign the appeal for the unification of the referendum with the elections.

Minister Maroni said they would fix the date of the referendum Sunday, June 12 or the last date prescribed by law . Il Forum dei movimenti per l'acqua, subito dopo le sentenze di ammissibilità della Corte, aveva inoltrato una lettera al Presidente della Repubblica, al presidente del Consiglio ed al ministro degli Interni chiedendo che il voto dei referendum si svolgesse in contemporanea con il voto delle amministrative .