Thursday, February 24, 2011

Poems For Money Trees For Baby

Libya, the three monkeys, Confindustria and pacifists

Umberto Mazzantini

LIVORNO. Libya comes the horrifying images of genocide in which a mad regime collapses its people in mass graves and in the blood. Al Arabiya is about 10 thousand dead, more than 50,000. Benghazi is released and the mercenaries of Gaddafi Zawia bomb, while the rebels marched to Tripoli, where the Praetorian Guard of the dictator and regime loyalists have flooded the streets with the blood of rebels. Obama says indignantly, while our government and called for peace in front of stuttering in the massacre of a people, and seems more worried more for gas and oil for the lucrative business of the state and the collapse of the wall made of anti-immigrant murders , harassment and torture, that Gaddafi had built with our money and our arms ...

In all this is certainly good to read today's Sole 24 Ore on the article "Three monkeys in the desert" by Christian Rocca pilat underscoring the complicity of our government and concludes: "The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Minister Franco Frattini, that no Europe's task is to interfere in the internal affairs of Libya, is not only shortsighted, misguided and based on the illusion that the regime at the end will be saved. It is also diametrically opposed to consolidated un'ormai Italian foreign policy, shared by the center-left governments (Somalia, Serbia, Albania, Lebanon) and center-right (Iraq and Afghanistan) and focused on the democratic right and duty to interfere to intervene to stop the massacres a few miles away from our house, "But it hurts to read the same newspaper on the sly cerchiobottismo unsigned short article (and therefore attributable to the direction), entitled" Not moved the pain of Libya ", which as a tried and tested reflex, takes issue with the Italian pacifists: "It is astonishing that this slaughter is faring in the deafening silence of associations, organizations, agencies increasingly engaged in the front row when you have, commendably, to defend the rights of oppressed peoples throughout the world. To date we have had no reports of convictions, neither high nor low, by anyone. No demonstrations, no peace flag on display, no anti-war march. No darts for Cain. Yet, on the contrary, the protesters are trying to get rid of the Libyan Colonel Gaddafi, one of the bloodiest dictators of the last century. It will be fatigue, will be the resignation, but for the dead in Libya is heard a deafening silence. " More

that deafened the newspaper of Confindustria seem deaf and blind, because the voices of peace associations and human rights were raised (and rise) for years all over the world, unfortunately unheeded by entrepreneurs "pragmatic" than with the Libyan genocidal regime were (and are) a roaring trade. They had not seen the Italian industrialists, since the time of the Gaddafi and Fiat Juventus, cosa succedeva nella nostra ex colonia? Non avevano capito quale era il prezzo dei loro affari quando seguivano in codazzi festanti il nostro capo del governo nelle tende beduine del dittatore? Non avevano capito quanto sangue, dolore, ingiustizia e sopraffazione c'era dietro l'accordo Libia-Italia che hanno calorosamente applaudito e che, in cambio della repressione dei migranti e dei danni di guerra per il colonialismo fascista, dava all'Italia ed alle industrie parastatali e private, appalti miliardari per costruire autostrade di regime e per trivellare altro gas e petrolio? Cosa pensavano gli industriali italiani quando, scortati da Berlusconi e dai suoi ministri, stringeva sorridente la mano di Gheddafi in occasione delle sue visite romane con tende, horses and followed the hostess who made us ridiculous (yet again) in the world? Does anyone remember a few angry comments at the Confederation of Berlusconi's kiss to Gaddafi in Libya, which is making the rounds of the web as demonstrating the complicity of our government with the tormentor of Tripoli?

probably one of the three monkeys of the desert Confindustria is the largest and the most blind, deaf and dumb at the same time ... other than blame the pacifists who stand against Gadhafi and his regime have taken shameful.

is not a coincidence that the first to escape the flames in Libya were the Italians and Chinese, but with one difference: we ancora una democrazia, la Cina è una dittatura che fa affari indifferentemente con tutte le dittature senza chiedere in cambio certo il rispetto dei diritti umani o la libertà di stampa, di riunione e di voto. Anzi in quel che succede nel mondo arabo e nelle sue rivoluzioni c'è anche un'altra differenza tutta italiota, che un forse malinteso amor di patria (o speriamo una tardiva vergogna) hanno fatto sparire dalle pagine di quasi tutti i nostri giornali: il nostro Paese, l'Italia, è il primo partner commerciale della Libia, ma era anche il primo partner commerciale della dittatura tunisina di Ben Ali (circa 500 aziende italiane nel più piccolo Paese del Nord Africa) e il secondo partner commerciale della dittatura egiziana di Hosni Mubarak. They did not know Confindustria and Il Sole 24 Ore that Italy and its global business were working together, supporting and enriching a few 'bloodiest dictators of the last century "?

Il Sole 24 Ore can not see any substantial difference between ethical and political approach to these two press FederPetroli and Legambiente? Among a group of entrepreneurs and an avowedly pacifist?

says the president FederPetroli Italy, Michele Marseille, which is monitoring the situation hour by hour Libya: "According to the sources and the situation that we received in less than 24 hours has evolved, began operations in Libya bombing of cities At this point the risk is obvious to the human factor in the first place and, for all the infrastructure in Libya. As in the Gulf War, when the position of the Libyan Rais will now no way out, there will be no choice about who and where to bomb, the damage to energy infrastructure would be invaluable to millions of euro, the concern is no longer that of the source of supply '. She says Ross

Muroni, director general of Legambiente: "The international community can not remain silent in the face of such a genocide. Italy's embarrassing behavior. It should open their borders and instead put an appropriate and immediate action. While consuming a massacre unprecedented in Libya, the only concern dell'Italia è quella che non si rompa la "diga anticlandestini", creata con il trattato Italia-Libia. Siamo imbarazzati dai rapporti e dalle convenzioni stabilite dal nostro Paese con il colonnello Gheddafi sulla "prevenzione clandestina", dietro cui si nascondono continue violazioni dei diritti umani. E' necessario che il nostro Paese accolga l'appello dell'Alto commissariato Onu per i rifugiati e apra le frontiere nazionali e ci si schieri concretamente a favore di un intervento immediato della Comunità internazionale per fermare al più presto questo genocidio».

E' evidente chi pensa al petrolio e chi al popolo libico, e non da ora. Forse quella del Sole è una voluta cantonata, un espediente polemico per evitare un'autocritica which would be needed, because the dead in the streets and Italian entrepreneurs who run away from Tripoli, the best defense is certainly not the attack on the alleged lack of interest among peace activists who always shouted in the wilderness of politics and dumb and deaf Italian entrepreneurs, Gaddafi's Bedouin tents while in the three monkeys is shut themselves up eyes, ears and mouths and festive queuing to sign oil deals and to sell weapons that are now used to kill those who ask for freedom and peace.



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