Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sharp Elbow Pain Pushups

Rome, Thursday, 'March 10 together against the decree "Kill renewable

Public Meeting Thursday, March 10 at the Teatro di Roma Quirnino to save photovoltaic and renewable

Our battle to save the renewable Decree Romans continues, following the signing of the Decree Napolitano now renamed "Kill Renewable" Renewable Sos has proclaimed a public meeting, Thursday, March 10, 2011 at the Teatro Quirino in Rome, at 10.
will present the major environmental organizations (Legambiente, WWF, Greenpeace) and industry associations all sources (Anev, Aper, Ace Energy Future, Assosolare, ISES, GIFI). The meeting Renewable
Sos is still open to all and will be attended not only associations and entrepreneurs, but also workers, citizens, activists of the network, students who do not take kindly to the Decree of the Romans, everyone will bring their valuable contribution and their testimonies.
We endorse and support the meeting, making our contribution to spreading the word and invite everyone to do the same, save for photovoltaic and renewable, the only growth sector and is now threatened by a severe crisis. Mobilize
therefore, by our presence or by our voice heard is through the site of Sos Renewable that the Facebook page: The objective è quello di smuovere l'opinione pubblica e far comprendere alle istituzioni che le ultime mosse intraprese dal governo arrecheranno danni incalcolabili a tutti i lavoratori e le famiglie di impiegati nel settore rinnovabili, e sono circa 100.000!
Per chi parteciperà, l'appuntamento Sos Rinnovabili è dunque domani, Giovedì 10 Marzo alle ore 10.00 presso il Teatro Quirino di Roma, in Via delle Vergini 7.


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