radioactive train in Val di Susa, who protest about the police charges against
Train radioactive Italy-France: police charges in Val di Susa
The Phantom of the waste is haunting Europe
Umberto Mazzantini
LIVORNO. The Network national anti-nuclear (RNA) reports on his Facebook page: "Train radioactive: this night to the garrison of San Michele Chiusa 3.50 hours. Violent crackdown on protesters by the police. Violent and unprecedented manhunt and charged in Chiusa San Michele 3.50 hours .... 30 people on the sidewalk to guard the passage of radioactive train .. then leave the office, unheard-of violence, beatings of people have already stopped, then searches bodily insults, photos .... that's the outcome of the garrison for the train ... radioactive garrison block but that did not mean to draw attention to the passage of radioactive waste for Piedmont in densely populated areas like the valley of Susa " and announces, "In the morning they will reach more information and photos." And here they are with more details:
3:40 pm: They have been raised in the bars of pasaggio level ad, but no train in sight. At this time the protesters, who are on the sidewalk in front of the tracks are loaded by the police (about 200 representatives from the police are present), pushed back to club up and blocked the main road into a wall.
4:10 am: Protesters gather divided into two groups, are surrounded and pushed behind the station. It ordered them to lie on the ground with blows of truncheons. They asked for all documents, leave the insults of protesters to the police, you hear screams, then lined up against a wall and photographed. Body searches following threats of detention in case of refusal.
4:30 pm: The protesters were held up at 6.30 feet and the cold, with disqualification to communicate with each other.
At this time there is no other information on the train, even from France. Recall that the train was not blocked by the protesters as reported in the press, but by the police.
RNA and "Sortir du nucléaire" had revealed yesterday that he would leave Italy a convoy loaded with nuclear waste, which now also pass on the tracks Rer, the transport network serving Paris and the suburbs, the commuter train to the hinterland Paris.
This is 13 tons of spent fuel, highly radioactive waste, the Garigliano, the central Nuclear 150 MW closed permanently in 1982, five years before the referendum that put an end to nuclear power that today we would like to revive in Italy. 31 years later the ghost of atomic Garigliano along with its waste Europe, in a sort of nuclear snakes and ladders, in search of impossible solutions.
The nuclear train has left around 2 am tonight from Vercelli to Turin from where it is headed Colegno, preceded by 10 minutes by another train that "opens the way". The activists were waiting for him near the French-Italian border. Women No Tav February 6 had held a garrison station Condove Chiusa San Michele from 24.00. "The goal is to not let pass in silence This continuous transport of dangerous materials without appropriate safety measures (remember that the protocol of the Act provides that the population be given due notice and be put in place a security plan) It seems then that is when it is a transport liquid wastes even more dangerous the solid bars of uranium. We are there and then we are confronted with the possibilities and intentions practicable in the night. The invitation is to bring hot drinks firewood socks and a spirit of resistance who could not stay there from 24.00 to 5.00 (now likely passage of the train) can also arrive at 3 am to reinforce the presence of the first arrivals. We hope that this is a first moment serves to draw attention to a problem, the nuclear, nothing resolved, indeed. Let them move tonight to remember our friends here .. It will be tough ...». Women probably did not expect the No Tav batons and charges.
"While the French and Italian ministers of energy by all means try to integrate nuclear energy between the objectives of the European Union claiming to clean energy - the two networks say no-nuke - the passage of a convoy of waste radioactive waste from Italy to France is preparing in secret. Three days after the passage of a convoy of Belgian radioactive waste, the people of Europe are again at risk due to nuclear Areva and their governments.
Yesterday, a train carrying a container of highly radioactive spent nuclear fuel Italian, produced by the old reactor of the Garigliano, has left the storage site of Avogadro, in Piedmont, to reach the railway terminal of Valognes (Manche), France. The route of the old Italian nuclear waste through the Piedmont and France, Savoie, Ain, Saône-et-Loire, Côte-d'Or, Yonne, Seine-et-Marne, Essone, Val-de-Marne, Yvelines, Eure, Calvados and Manche. Calvados and Manche. Région parisienne in the Italian waste will travel to the Rer then be downloaded onto trucks and reach the plant at La Hague Aéva to be "treated". But there's more: on a date yet unknown off again for Italy, where there is no definitive system to accommodate them.
Autorité de sûreté nucléaire The same franxcese (Asn) 18 November 2007 expressed serious reservations about the legality of this type of radiation transport, "On the occasion of the first transport of spent fuel to the Italian La Hague plant in view of their treatment The Asn recalls publicly his reservations on the agreement that frames this intergovernmental operation. (...) ASN considers that the time in this Agreement, providing for the receipt of fuels between 2007 and 2015 in Italy and the return of the waste produced by reprocessing between 2020 and 2025, are not technically justified " .
"Sortir du nucléaire" claims that "not only the treatment plant at La Hague does not reduce the radioactivity of waste but increases their volume. Thus, this transport of radioactive waste is very foolish: exposes the people, just to operate the plant at La Hague Areva. While the Italian government wants to revive nuclear power, against the will of the majority population, who wanted to phase out nuclear energy by the referendum of 1987, the Italian authorities sent these highly radioactive waste away from their territory, hoping to delay and disguise the problem of 'can not dealing with nuclear waste. "
RNA in a statement issued before the clashes with police last night wrote: "We agree with the Network" Sortir du nucléaire "to denounce this episode doubly shameful, because it presents environmental risks and hazards to the population and because everything was kept under conspiratorial silence all those responsible and those who were aware of. The Network "Sortir du nucléaire" and the National Network Antinuclear call for a mobilization on the way and remind us that nuclear power is neither clean nor safe. There is no solution to manage nuclear waste and France is not the nuclear dustbin of Europe! One solution: stop producing and certainly not raise the "machine". "
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